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_turtle island

tamoadmin 2024-09-07
1.澳大利亚向土著道歉 的英文2.芽庄的潜水胜地有哪些?3.什么是turtle island?、英国 洲际饭店 饭店总数 3520座 客房总数 536318间

1.澳大利亚向土著道歉 的英文


3.什么是turtle island?

_turtle island

、英国 洲际饭店 饭店总数 3520座 客房总数 536318间

2、美国 圣达特 饭店总数 6403座 客房总数 518435间

3、美国 万豪 饭店总数 2656座 客房总数 479882间

4、法国 雅高 饭店总数 3894座 客房总数 453803间

5、美国 精品国际 饭店总数 4810座 客房总数 388618间

6、美国 希尔顿饭店 饭店总数 2161座 客房总数 349965间

7、美国 最佳西方 饭店总数 4110座 客房总数 38间

8、美国 喜达屋 饭店总数 738座 客房总数 229247间

9、美国 卡尔森 饭店总数 881座 客房总数 147624间

10 英国 希尔顿国际 饭店总数 412座 客房总数 99364间

2 North Island/The Seychelles (Africa) --

3 Fregate Island Private/The Seychelles (Africa) --

4 Singita Private Game Reserve/Sabi Sand, South Africa --

5 Le Toiny/St. Barthelemy, French West Indies --

6 The Wakaya Club/Fiji --

7 Turtle Island/Fiji --

8 Huka Lodge/Taupo, New Zealand --

9 Burj Al Arab/Dubai, United Arab Emirates --

10 Little Palm Island/Florida Keys

2 North Island/The Seychelles (Africa) --

3 Fregate Island Private/The Seychelles (Africa) --

4 Singita Private Game Reserve/Sabi Sand, South Africa --

5 Le Toiny/St. Barthelemy, French West Indies --

6 The Wakaya Club/Fiji --

7 Turtle Island/Fiji --

8 Huka Lodge/Taupo, New Zealand --

9 Burj Al Arab/Dubai, United Arab Emirates --

10 Little Palm Island/Florida Keys

澳大利亚向土著道歉 的英文


Tortuga (Haiti)

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le de la Tortue

Tortuga seen from space

Nickname(s): Turtle Island

TortugaA map of Haiti with ?le de la Tortue to the north.

Coordinates: 20°4′0〃N 72°49′0〃W? / ?20.06667, -72.81667

Country Haiti

Department Nord-Ouest

Arrondissement Port-de-Paix

Commune ?le de la Tortue

Discovered 1494

Settled 1625


- Total 180 km? (69 sq mi)

Population (1982)

- Total 22,080

- Density 123/km? (320/sq mi)

Time zone -5 (UTC)

- Summer (DST) -4 (UTC)

For the island with a similar name in the Gulf of California, see Isla Tortuga.

Tortuga (?le de la Tortue in French) is a Caribbean island that forms part of Haiti, off the northwest coast of Hispaniola. It constitutes the commune of ?le de la Tortue in the Port-de-Paix arrondissement of the Nord-Ouest Department of Haiti. The island covers an area of 180 km? (69 mi?)[1] and its population was 22,080 in 1982 [2]. Its name in both Spanish (Isla Tortuga) and French means "Turtle Island" or "Tortoise Island", and it is sometimes called that in English. In the 17th century, it was a major center of Caribbean piracy. Its tourist industry and reference in many works has made it one of the most recognized regions of Haiti.

Contents [hide]

1 History

2 Geography

3 Tortuga in fiction

3.1 Tortuga in the Pirates of the Caribbean films

3.2 Tortuga in Rafael Sabatini’s works

3.3 Other earances

4 See also

5 References

[edit] History

Tortuga was discovered by Europeans in 1493, during the first voyage of Christopher Columbus into the New World[citation needed]. Columbus' sailors called it Tortuga ("Turtle") because its humped shape resembled a turtle.

Tortuga was originally settled by a few Spanish colonists. In 1625 French and English settlers arrived on the island of Tortuga after initially planning to settle on the island of Hispaniola. The French and English settlers were attacked in 1629 by the Spanish commanded by Don Fadrique de Toledo. The Spanish were successful and fortified the island, expelling the French and English men. As most of the Spanish army left for Hispaniola to root out French colonists there, the French returned to take the fort and expanded on the Spanish-built fortifications. In 1630, the French built Fort de Rocher in a natural harbour. From 1630 onward, the island of Tortuga was divided into French and English colonies allowing buccaneers to use the island more frequently as their main base of operations. In 1633, the first sles were imported from Africa to aid in the plantations. The new sle trend did not stick, and by 1635, the use of sles had ended. The sles were said to be out of control on the island, and at the same time there had been continual disagreements and fighting between French and English colonies. In the same year, the Spanish returned and quickly conquered the English and French colonies, only to lee again, due to the island being too small to be of major importance. This abandonment of Tortuga allowed the return of both French and English pirates. In 1638, the Spanish again returned to take the island and rid it of all French and newly settled Dutch. They occupied the island, but were soon expelled by the French and Dutch colonists.

By 1640, the buccaneers of Tortuga were calling themselves the Brethren of the Coast. The pirate population was mostly made up of French and Englishmen, along with a small number of Dutchmen. In 1645, in an attempt to bring harmony and control over the island, the acting French governor imported roughly 1,650 prostitutes, hoping to regularize the unruly pirates' lives. By the year 1670, as the buccaneer era was in decline, many of the pirates, seeking a new source of trade, turned to log cutting and trading wood from the island. At this time, however, a Welsh pirate named Henry Morgan started to promote himself and invite the pirates on the island of Tortuga to set sail under him. They were hired by the French as a striking force that allowed France to he a much stronger hold on the Caribbean region. Consequently, the pirates were never really controlled, and kept Tortuga as a neutral hideout for pirate booty. In 1680, new Acts of Parliament forbade sailing under foreign flags (in opposition to former practice). This was a major legal blow to Caribbean pirates. Settlements were finally made in the Treaty of Ratisbon of 1684, signed by the European powers, that put an end to piracy. Most of the pirates after this time were hired out into the Royal services to suppress their former buccaneer allies.

[edit] Geography

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The island of Tortuga stands off the northern coast of Haiti. It is very mountainous and full of rocks; yet, it is hugely dense of lofty trees that grow upon the hardest of those rocks. The rocks are abundant on the northern part of the island. At the beginning of the 17th century the population lived on the southern coast of the island. This part contained a port that allowed several entries to ships.

The southern part of the island was divided into four; the first part was called Low Land or Low Country. This was the main part of the southern coast because it contained the island's port. The town was called Cayona, and there lived the richest planters of the island. The second was called the Middle Plantation. Its territory could only grow Tobacco. The third part was named Ringot. These places were situated towards the Western part of the island. The fourth was called the Mountain; it is there that the first cultivated plantation was established upon the island.

L'ile de la Tortue's best beach is Pointe Saline at the western tip of the small island. This area is very dry and offers little shade. At the Les Palmiste on the eastern coast visit a pre-Columbian rock carving of a goddess at La Grotte au Bassin and two big ces at Trou d'Enfer and La Grotte de la Galerie. Basse-Terre, on the southeastern coast, is home to the remains of Fort de la Roche, once the island's biggest fortress. Along with a 15 m high lime kiln, three cannons and the foundations of a wall are all that is left of Fort Ogeron, built in the mid 1600s.



Prime Minister Kevin Rudd introduced a motion in the Australian national parliament Tuesday, apologizing for past mistreatment of the country's Aboriginal population. Here is the full text of that apology:

Mr Rudd

I give notice that, at the next sitting, I will move:

Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

We reflect on their past mistreatment.

We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were Stolen Generations -- this blemished chapter in our nation's history.

The time has now come for the nation to turn a new page in Australia's history by righting the wrongs of the past and so moving forward with confidence to the future.

We apologise for the laws and policies of successive Parliaments and s that he inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.

We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country.

For the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen Generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry.

To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry.

And for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.

We the Parliament of Australia respectfully request that this apology be received in the spirit in which it is offered as part of the healing of the nation.

For the future we take heart; resolving that this new page in the history of our great continent can now be written.

We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all Australians.

A future where this Parliament resolves that the injustices of the past must never, never hen again.

A future where we harness the determination of all Australians, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to close the gap that lies between us in life expectancy, educational achievement and economic opportunity.

A future where we embrace the possibility of new solutions to enduring problems where old roaches he failed.

A future based on mutual respect, mutual resolve and mutual responsibility.

A future where all Australians, whatever their origins, are truly equal partners, with equal opportunities and with an equal stake in shaping the next chapter in the history of this great country, Australia.

什么是turtle island?

芽庄25个潜水点中,比较成熟的潜水点多集中在黑岛(Hon Mun),附近有一些属于大陆架岛,很适合潜水,在色彩丰富的珊瑚鱼中,有时能看见鳐鱼。


1.Phu Quoc?

是个岛。位于越南的西南端,离海岸线100公里,靠近柬埔寨。和新加坡一样大。还没有完全开发。海中生物与泰国湾的一样,大东西不多, 不过,有很多珊瑚中的鱼类, 和令人惊叹的珊瑚。附近的龟岛(turtle island)更被称为越南最佳的潜点。但是,不幸地是,当地没有禁止。?







位于越南东南海岸180公里处的海岛。 是越南的两个海洋保护区之一。是越南海洋保护的典范。 由于有超过1000英亩的各式各样的珊瑚,那里的海洋生物丰富多彩,已确认的品种就已超过1300种。那里的海草使世界濒危物种--懦艮得以延续。并且有海龟搭巢,海豚出没。?






3.Whale Island?

位于Nha Trang以北80公里的半岛,多年前由著名潜水摄影家Jacques Cousteau首次发现。这里既有适合初学者的缓坡,也有适合老手的陡坡,海流等。这里的海洋生物也是很丰富的。由于有一些突降的陡坡,这里有机会看到鲨鱼,甚至鲸鱼。周围的潜点情况如下:?

Hon Trau Nam (Three Kings): 有一些洞穴,也经常看到海鳗栖息。?

Hon Kho Trang: 这里有两个潜点,是珊瑚花园,能见度很好,生物丰富。?

Hon Tai (Ear Island): 珊瑚平原,经常见到海兔等。?

Napoleon Rock: 沙质海床,有濑鱼栖息。?

Raoul's Reef: 长满海星的陡坡,可以见到管鱼(ghost pipefish)。?

Bai Su: 位于15米深处的洞穴,夜潜的好地方。?

Hon Ong: 夜潜的好地方。可以见到海马,虾,西班牙舞女(spanish dancers )。?






4.Nha Trang?

是越南的潜水中心。这里有20多个潜点,和10家左右的潜水店。附近有一些属于大陆架岛,很适合潜水。虽然大家伙很难看到,但是,这里的珊瑚很丰富,有350多种,而且小东西也不少。除非特别提出来,一般潜水店都会安排到Hon Mun 岛潜水。?



这个概念是14年Gary Snyder在他的著作 Turtle Island 中推广的。把北美洲比为“海龟岛”有如下寓意:
